Born near Bonn, Germany, on January 3, 1887, August Macke was a prodigious talent who left an indelible mark on German Expressionism despite his tragically short life. After honing his skills at the Art Academy of Düsseldorf, Macke broadened his artistic horizons by traveling across Europe, where he met other influential artists like Delaunay in Paris and Corinth in Berlin.
In 1909, after completing his military service, he married and relocated to Switzerland. It was there that he formed a friendship with fellow artist Franz Marc, another significant figure in the German Expressionist movement. Macke also ventured to North Africa, where the vivid colors and landscapes profoundly influenced his palette.
Dying young at the age of 27, Macke left behind an impressive portfolio of over 500 paintings that predominantly depict everyday life. Though he engaged with Fauvism and Cubism during his encounters with artists like Marc, Delaunay, and Matisse, his work consistently exhibited traits of German Expressionism.
Macke's artistic legacy serves as a testament to his exceptional ability to blend different influences into a unique and impactful style, earning him a lasting place in the annals of art history.