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Valid until Mon, 10. feb. 2025
45% off Expressionism
All artists of Expressionism
Curated Art Collections
Images found on the collection Constructivism
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Komposition mit Rot, Gelb,... from Piet Mondrian
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30% discount on this image:
Starting at 20.08 GBP
The staircase in the house from Oskar Schlemmer
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30% discount on this image:
Starting at 17.46 GBP
Red cavalry from Kazimir Severinovich Malewitsch
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25% discount on this image:
Starting at 20.58 GBP
Dancer, the gesture from Oskar Schlemmer
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25% discount on this image:
Starting at 20.58 GBP
Composition Arithmétique from Theo van Doesburg
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25% discount on this image:
Starting at 20.58 GBP
Flies climb -- traps -- --... from Sophie Taeuber-Arp
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25% discount on this image:
Starting at 20.58 GBP
Tableau No from Piet Mondrian
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25% discount on this image:
Starting at 20.58 GBP
Composition of A XX from László Moholy-Nagy
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25% discount on this image:
Starting at 20.58 GBP
LIS from László Moholy-Nagy
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25% discount on this image:
Starting at 21.51 GBP
Komposition from Piet Mondrian
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20% discount on this image:
Starting at 21.95 GBP
A XXI. from László Moholy-Nagy
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20% discount on this image:
Starting at 21.95 GBP
Construction de l ' espace... from Theo van Doesburg
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20% discount on this image:
Starting at 21.95 GBP
Composition en dissonances... from Theo van Doesburg
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20% discount on this image:
Starting at 21.95 GBP
Konstruktionen. 6. Kestner... from László Moholy-Nagy
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20% discount on this image:
Starting at 21.95 GBP
The woman with the rake from Kazimir Severinovich Malewitsch
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20% discount on this image:
Starting at 22.94 GBP
The chess-board. from Juan Gris
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20% discount on this image:
Starting at 21.95 GBP
Landscape with a white hou... from Kazimir Severinovich Malewitsch
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20% discount on this image:
Starting at 21.95 GBP
Four figures and a cube from Oskar Schlemmer
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25% discount on this image:
Starting at 21.51 GBP
The death of the man, simu... from Kazimir Severinovich Malewitsch
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20% discount on this image:
Starting at 21.95 GBP
Tableau 3 with orange…/ 19... from Piet Mondrian
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20% discount on this image:
Starting at 21.95 GBP
Victory Boogie Woogie II from Piet Mondrian
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25% discount on this image:
Starting at 18.70 GBP
Komposition Z VIII from László Moholy-Nagy
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25% discount on this image:
Starting at 21.51 GBP
New York City from Piet Mondrian
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25% discount on this image:
Starting at 21.51 GBP
Line Composition from Piet Mondrian
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20% discount on this image:
Starting at 22.94 GBP
Komposition Q XX from László Moholy-Nagy
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25% discount on this image:
Starting at 21.51 GBP
Leda und der Schwan from László Moholy-Nagy
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25% discount on this image:
Starting at 21.51 GBP
No Titel from László Moholy-Nagy
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20% discount on this image:
Starting at 22.94 GBP
Komposition A XXI. from László Moholy-Nagy
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20% discount on this image:
Starting at 22.94 GBP
Figures for Tiradic Ballet from Oskar Schlemmer
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25% discount on this image:
Starting at 21.51 GBP
A 19 from László Moholy-Nagy
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20% discount on this image:
Starting at 22.94 GBP
Konzentrische Gruppe from Oskar Schlemmer
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25% discount on this image:
Starting at 20.58 GBP
Konstruktion (Glas-Archite... from László Moholy-Nagy
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25% discount on this image:
Starting at 21.51 GBP
Construction Z 1 from László Moholy-Nagy
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20% discount on this image:
Starting at 22.94 GBP
Felsige Kueste, 1931, 227. from Paul Klee
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20% discount on this image:
Starting at 22.94 GBP
Contra-Composition of Diss... from Theo van Doesburg
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20% discount on this image:
Starting at 22.94 GBP
Constructions. Kestner Por... from László Moholy-Nagy
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20% discount on this image:
Starting at 22.94 GBP
Untitled from László Moholy-Nagy
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25% discount on this image:
Starting at 21.51 GBP
CH Space 6 from László Moholy-Nagy
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25% discount on this image:
Starting at 21.51 GBP
Equilibre from Sophie Taeuber-Arp
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20% discount on this image:
Starting at 22.94 GBP
Sportsmen from Kazimir Severinovich Malewitsch
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20% discount on this image:
Starting at 22.94 GBP
Sil 2 from László Moholy-Nagy
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20% discount on this image:
Starting at 22.94 GBP
Komposition from László Moholy-Nagy
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20% discount on this image:
Starting at 22.94 GBP
Die Lichter der Stadt from László Moholy-Nagy
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20% discount on this image:
Starting at 22.94 GBP
Th.v.Doesburg, Simultane G... from Theo van Doesburg
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20% discount on this image:
Starting at 22.94 GBP
A 20 from László Moholy-Nagy
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20% discount on this image:
Starting at 22.94 GBP
Ohne Titel (Typo Collage) from László Moholy-Nagy
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20% discount on this image:
Starting at 22.94 GBP
Suprematist Composition from Kazimir Severinovich Malewitsch
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20% discount on this image:
Starting at 22.94 GBP
A girl (Figure on White) from Kazimir Severinovich Malewitsch
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25% discount on this image:
Starting at 21.51 GBP
Harlequin w.Guitar from Juan Gris
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20% discount on this image:
Starting at 22.94 GBP
Helgoland from Arthur Segal
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45% discount on this image:
Starting at 15.77 GBP
Architectonic Painting from Ljubow Sergejewna Popowa
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20% discount on this image:
Starting at 22.94 GBP
CH Beata I from László Moholy-Nagy
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20% discount on this image:
Starting at 22.94 GBP
Ohne Titel (Rote Collage /... from László Moholy-Nagy
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20% discount on this image:
Starting at 22.94 GBP
Nuclear I, CH from László Moholy-Nagy
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20% discount on this image:
Starting at 22.94 GBP
Space CH 4 from László Moholy-Nagy
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20% discount on this image:
Starting at 22.94 GBP
Malevich / Three Girls / 1... from Kazimir Severinovich Malewitsch
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20% discount on this image:
Starting at 22.94 GBP
Cologne Contemporaries from Heinrich Hoerle
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20% discount on this image:
Starting at 22.94 GBP
Auf weißem Grund from László Moholy-Nagy
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20% discount on this image:
Starting at 22.94 GBP
GAL AB 1 from László Moholy-Nagy
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20% discount on this image:
Starting at 22.94 GBP
Composition with Red, Blac... from Piet Mondrian
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20% discount on this image:
Starting at 22.94 GBP
Design for the Triadic Bal... from Oskar Schlemmer
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20% discount on this image:
Starting at 22.94 GBP
Spray paint with blue disc from László Moholy-Nagy
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20% discount on this image:
Starting at 22.94 GBP
The Daily Bread from Franz W. Seiwert
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20% discount on this image:
Starting at 22.94 GBP
Mass from Franz W. Seiwert
Ready to print
20% discount on this image:
Starting at 22.94 GBP
Mord auf den Schienen (Lie... from László Moholy-Nagy
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20% discount on this image:
Starting at 22.94 GBP
Radio und Eisenbahnlandsch... from László Moholy-Nagy
Ready to print
20% discount on this image:
Starting at 22.94 GBP
Hoffmanns Erzählungen from László Moholy-Nagy
Ready to print
20% discount on this image:
Starting at 22.94 GBP
Ohne Titel (Konstruktivist... from László Moholy-Nagy
Ready to print
20% discount on this image:
Starting at 22.94 GBP
Lichtrequisit einer elektr... from László Moholy-Nagy
Ready to print
20% discount on this image:
Starting at 22.94 GBP
Summer from Ljubow Sergejewna Popowa
Production period
(without framing): 20 working day(s)
Starting at 28.68 GBP
Black Sun on Silver Ground from Franz W. Seiwert
Production period
(without framing): 6 working day(s)
Starting at 28.68 GBP
A XI from László Moholy-Nagy
Production period
(without framing): 10 working day(s)
Starting at 27.43 GBP
Die from László Moholy-Nagy
Production period
(without framing): 6 working day(s)
Starting at 28.68 GBP
Small Group from Franz W. Seiwert
Production period
(without framing): 6 working day(s)
Starting at 28.68 GBP
Worker from Franz W. Seiwert
Production period
(without framing): 6 working day(s)
Starting at 28.68 GBP
Female Semi-Nude from Heinrich Hoerle
Production period
(without framing): 6 working day(s)
Starting at 28.68 GBP
The Worker from Heinrich Hoerle
Production period
(without framing): 6 working day(s)
Starting at 28.68 GBP
Head from Franz W. Seiwert
Production period
(without framing): 6 working day(s)
Starting at 28.68 GBP
Der Arbeitsmann from Franz W. Seiwert
Production period
(without framing): 6 working day(s)
Starting at 28.68 GBP
I.A.H. (Internationale Arb... from Franz W. Seiwert
Production period
(without framing): 6 working day(s)
Starting at 28.68 GBP
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